His Voice Global

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His Voice Global July Newsletter

Reach = Rescue

The His Voice Global ministry work you help support in East Africa is impactful. What started with an offer of food to one family has now grown into a holistic ministry of 270 families. As we continue to follow the Lord's leading in north Uganda around the Arise Center, we realize that there are many more vulnerable people to be served and restored to live the life God intended for them.

The His Voice Global Shine program provides essential needs like food, clean water, medical care, and shelter to the most vulnerable living in north Uganda, and our team in Uganda is excited that the Lord is showing us many more who live in desperate need of our help. 

There is one problem, however, with physically reaching the 1600 people who live in these homes on a regular and timely basis. We have everything ready to provide assistance to them except for the vehicles needed to take us to them! As our Shine program expands, transportation is the key to adding support to additional homes this year. The Shine program provides at least monthly access to each of these most vulnerable households, and the lack of a second capable vehicle is literally the bottleneck to extending care to them.

We are making progress towards our goal of $80,000 to purchase a second vehicle, but we still need your help. Watch this month’s video to hear co-founder Vernon Burger's thoughts on the subject.

Shine Friend: Dorcas!

Meet Shine friend, Dorcas. She is bright, lively, full of hope and determination. Her father passed away and her mother remarried, so now she lives with her grandfather. She was able to attend primary (elementary) school and part of secondary (high school) school while her grandfather was able to pay for the school fees. It was good life. After dinner one night, Dorcas was bitten on her leg by a snake! Her family rushed her to the hospital, but the doctor was unable to save her leg. At the age of 15, Dorcas had her right leg amputated above the knee.

Slowly, Dorcas got the hang of using her crutch. Now she can do most of the things she used to do for her family such as cook dinner, fetch water, do laundry, etc. 

However, her grandfather could no longer work and the money for school fees ran out before Dorcas could graduate from secondary school. Even though Dorcas could not return to school, she did what she could to help her family. 

Her grandfather worried about her future. It had been four years since she had been to school. She was past the age of being able complete her secondary schooling. 

About this time the Lord allowed our Shine team to meet Dorcas and her family! They became part of our Shine Friends program. In getting to know Dorcas and her family, the team knew they wanted to provide some extra for Dorcas. We sat down with Dorcas one afternoon to talk about her future. She wanted to be trained in hair dressing and a few months later she was enrolled in a 6 month hair dressing certification program sponsored by the local Calvary Church that our Thrive students attend. She will complete her certification in August and is so excited for the day she can accept her first clients for hair dressing! 

This education and work opportunity will be life-changing for Dorcas and life-enhancing for her family. Please pray for the Shine team to know how to help Dorcas find work as she is reaching the end of her six-month training in August. Please pray for the Lord to open ways for Dorcas to work and help provide for herself and her family!

Meet our Missionaries!

We love our Uganda-based missionaries, and we are fortunate to have two families stateside this summer. Mike and Megan Elkins and Brent and Marianne Colee will be around and would love to schedule a time to meet with you or speak with you via phone or Zoom call. We believe there is great value in establishing these relationships and hope you take advantage of the opportunity to connect. You can email us at info@hisvoiceglobal.com to schedule some time.

Thank you for your support of His Voice Global! It is a joy to serve those God has given to us with you!