His Voice Global June Newsletter


Shine Summer Project

It is so great to have Mike & Megan Elkins in the United States this summer! Many of you have had the opportunity to visit with them and hear about the life-changing work that is going on in East Africa. As Regional Manager for Uganda, you may have heard from Mike about the impact of the HVG Shine program that provides essential needs like food, clean water, medical care, and shelter to the most vulnerable living in north Uganda. Our team in Uganda is excited that the Lord is showing us many more who live in desperate need of our help. 

There is one problem, however, with physically reaching these additional people. We have everything ready to provide assistance to them except for a vehicle to take us to them! As our Shine program expands, transportation is the key to adding support to families in 90 additional homes this year. The Shine program provides at least monthly access to each of these most vulnerable households, and the lack of a second capable vehicle is literally the bottleneck to extending them care. 

Watch this video to hear Mike explain the need and then click below to help us "Expand Our Reach". 


Shine Friend: Immaculate!

Immaculate is one of our Shine Friends that we are able to reach because we have a vehicle. 

Immaculate was born unable to use her legs and unable to speak correctly, She lives with her aunt and her mother, Stella, who is also physically impaired leaving her unable to properly support herself and Immaculate. Because of Stella’s own impairment with her feet and the fact that their home is far out in the bush, it is difficult for Stella to travel get supplies for her family.  

We are thankful for a vehicle that allows us to travel where it is hard for others to go. We are able to reach their home with supplies to make life easier for Stella and her family. Meeting Immaculate, we were able to bring care to her by fitting her with custom leg braces and having our physiotherapist come for weekly therapy sessions. We got to see Immaculate take her first steps with the help of her leg braces!

As our Shine program is growing, there are more people like Immaculate and Stella who live a long distance from the main road, but they need assistance. We need more transportation to reach them. Please consider giving towards our new Shine vehicle. 


We’re Coming to Midland, Texas!

Join us at Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX for A Night in Africa with Mike and Megan Elkins on Sunday, June 30th from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.

This will be a wonderful evening and a great event to bring your family and friends to introduce them to His Voice Global. We will have dinner and fellowship and then an interactive time of learning about our programs and an opportunity to hear from our Regional Directors, the Elkins family, and their role on-the-ground in Uganda. 

Dinner will be provided as part of the program. Childcare is available upon registration. Pizza will be available for kids during childcare. Please be sure to click the link below to register and please share the link with any friend who may be interested!



Thank you for your support of His Voice Global! It is a joy to serve those God has given to us with you!