Tedashii Anderson
Board Member
Tedashii is a tenured artist, musician, communicator, and writer burdened to see equity brought to the marginalized. Growing up in Texas on the fringes of society, family and football were everything - then he found faith in Christ. With this faith, he ventured into vocational ministry and eventually artistry as a member of the 116 on Reach Records. He graduated from the University of North Texas with a duel Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Sociology to further his ambitions to reach those beyond his city limits. For the last twenty years he’s devoted his life to encouraging others to find their identity in God and leading a movement of unashamed believers who desire to engage the world for His glory. He is the founder and CEO of Unashamed Ministries, the originator of Chase Wellness—an organization committed to helping people experience whole health, and the host of his podcast The Dash. Tedashii and his wife (Danielle) live in Atlanta, GA and are the proud parents of four amazing boys.
“His Voice Global has been such a blessing to me. I had my first experience in missions work beyond our borders with HVG and that experience forever changed me. The way love, dignity, and respect framed our time abroad, I was convinced Vernon, his family, and His Voice Global would forever be my family.”