Melissa Hendrix
Administrative Assistant and Short-Term Team Leader
Jeremy & Melissa Hendrix live in Ft. Worth, Texas, with their 2 teen boys, Toby and Bear. After graduating from DBU, Melissa worked several years at First Baptist Irving where she met Vernon and Amber and their like-minded love for missions made them quick friends.
In April 2016, Melissa joined her first His Voice Global team to Kenya and followed it quickly with her second trip back with HVG in October of that same year. Since 2016, Melissa has joined on team trips to Kenya and Uganda and is now serving as Team Lead alongside Danielle Kwok to Kenya and Uganda.
“I couldn’t have asked God for a better opportunity to serve Him. Witnessing the lives changed and experiencing what God is doing in Kenya and Uganda is beautiful and life-changing enough. Now to lead others on this same journey and see the impact we can bring home with us to continue support for His work through His Voice Global…it truly is a privilege.”