His Voice Global

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Will You Join Us?

Will You Join Us?

Marianna was at a vulnerable point in her life. A physical disability made caring for herself and her grandchildren difficult. Food insecurity was a part of daily life, clean water was not available, and her home was substandard by any measurement. As a valued member of the community around Arua, Uganda, Marianna needed some help to be restored to the position of leadership God had for her.

God has called His Voice Global to raise up leaders among the vulnerable. And with your help, we are making a difference.

Thanks to initial funding to build the Arise Center outside of Arua and kick-start "Shine", our integrative care program, Marianna received help in the form of food, a clean water filtration system, new knee pads and crutches, and new housing. Her new house provides handicapped access and 2 rooms, with an outdoor latrine. It is a drastic improvement over her previous one room hut, and the cost was only $3,500 to build the new house. The students many of you
support and various members of the community all chipped in to help with the construction.

His Voice has established a trusted presence in and around Arua, where we minister to the community while providing love and support to about 30 college-aged students, primarily from South Sudan. In keeping with our mission to serve the vulnerable, we seek to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of those in our community and beyond. The His Voice team in Arua consists of six full-time missionaries (called “Family Mentors”), and a full-time logistics manager. As a part of this program, we have also hired 4 indigenous social workers to engage the recipients of food, clean water filters, and other means of physical assistance. In Kenya, our long-time partner Rift Valley Hope extends similar support to future leaders among those who are vulnerable in that community.

Our growing team has ministered to the vulnerable in East Africa for almost 20 years, and God is blessing our work. But the need has never been greater.

Timing is critical because both Russia and Ukraine are large food exporters to East Africa. The price of food is going to keep going up, affecting millions in the region. This will cause many to become even more vulnerable than they already are. The good news is that His Voice is already set up and ready to meet these needs! With the Arise Center as our hub and our essential care program already up and running, we are prepared to minister now!  On the flip side, the price we pay for food will be going up as our food sources become more limited. We need additional funds now so we can meet our overall ministry needs during the summer months.

Will you join us?

A generous donor has committed $200,000 towards the Shine program, and we need your help to match that gift and fund our other ministry needs this summer. Would you ask the Lord how He would have you participate?

As a 100 percent donor-funded nonprofit ministry, we do not take your investment lightly. Thank you for your partnership in our ministry at this important time.


Vernon Burger, PhD
Co-Founder and CEO
His Voice Global