Raising up Leaders in the Local Church


One of the parts of our mission statement points to our efforts to raise up leaders among the local, indigenous churches where we serve. In previous posts I have shared how we are conducting our theological and discipleship training with our partners in Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan. This is the primary way that we seek to accomplish that portion of our mission.

Using our Foundation of Hope curriculum, we equip pastors and church leaders with materials they can use to multiply disciples. By giving them a sound understanding of God’s desire to reconcile us to Himself through the person and work of Jesus Christ, we believe their ministries will lead to more and more relationships being restored and communities being renewed. 

A full week of training is devoted to Servant Leadership using Jesus as our example. We have seen incredible transformation among the pastors and leaders as they embrace a new way of viewing their roles as leaders in the church. No longer do they see themselves in a hierarchical role over others but understand the need to serve those to whom they minister.

The training also gives these leaders a deep rooted overview of the gospel that they can use in their churches and communities as they share the good news with others. A great example of this is the work we have been doing with our partner in Uganda as we share the material with peoples of the Aringa tribe. These Muslim background believers have been able to take what they have learned and introduce others to the truth of the gospel.

Some of those being trained work and live in the refugee camps of Uganda. As they return to the camps after training they have the opportunity to introduce others to what they have learned. This type of discipleship making can have a profound impact in situations where hope is in short supply.

We have been so encouraged as several of those who have been through the entire training have become trainers and are starting new study groups in their local areas. As the movement grows we expect to see new churches emerge as these students become the leaders of the future.

As the pandemic restrictions are eased our partners are already beginning to reschedule classes that were canceled. They are also scheduling new classes in areas they have identified. We are looking forward to supporting our partners as they raise up new pastors and church leaders.

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