Classrooms in Yei, South Sudan
Part of our mission at His Voice Global is to provide educational opportunities for the orphans and vulnerable children we serve through our Circle of Care. In South Sudan this has been accomplished through our partners at the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) in Yei using the Primary and Nehemiah Secondary schools. Tuition fees paid by other students from the surrounding community cover the costs of the children under EPC’s care.
The Nehemiah school has operated outside of Yei for the last ten years but unrest in the area has made it more and more difficult for community students and teachers to commute to Nehemiah. The local government has recently made land available adjacent to the EPC compound for new eight new classrooms to be built that will allow greater access for the children and teachers within Yei. Being more centrally located will also create some economies of scale for EPC as they provide for the children under their care.
We are also excited about the opportunity to use the vacated Nehemiah facility for pastor and church leader training and discipleship as EPC continues to plant churches within South Sudan and Northern Uganda.
Our goal is to raise $151,200 to pay for the construction of the new classrooms. Would you prayerfully consider being a part of this opportunity by making a donation to the His Voice Education Fund? We appreciate your support and will keep you updated.