Education Fund
Emmy’s father died when he was young leaving him, and his two sisters, with his mother. She did all she could to provide for them, but there was no food, no clothes, no money, and little hope. He said, “All I could do was pray.” Emmy’s prayers were answered when he became one of the first kids to enter the Morobo primary school and orphanage established by His Voice Global and our partner the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Yei, South Sudan. That was in the year 2005, when Emmy was eight years old.
After Emmy went to live in the orphanage, he said he was given the first pair of shoes in his life. “I was so happy!” “I am so grateful that today it’s like I am someone else. Now I have a future.”
He is now attending Law School in Uganda, and plans to return to South Sudan after he graduates.
Emmy is the future of South Sudan. We believe the children in our orphanages are truly going to change the world, and we don’t want anything to get in the way of that happening, especially a lack of money.
The His Voice Global Education Fund is a way for us to ensure that these children grow up to be the leaders we know they were made to become. For them to receive this education opens a world of possibilities for them.
We want to make those possibilities a reality. That’s why we’ve set up this fund, which makes it possible for our secondary school graduates to continue their education either in college or at a trade school, most likely in Uganda. We would like to raise enough for their education, living expenses, food, and two trips back to South Sudan per year.
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