His Voice Newsletter 8/18


This month we have been focusing on the return of our missionaries to Uganda. In this video, His Voice founder Dr. Vernon Burger talks about that return and the resumption of our ministry there. As Uganda continues to re-open, Vernon outlines the opportunities to connect those we serve with God, self, others, and the rest of creation – and how you can help.


We Need Wheels

Imagine driving an hour and a half to meet with a local pastor and students in the refugee camp or driving out to do work on the Arise Retreat Center. Non-paved roads with huge pot holes, ravaged by rains and transport vehicles. Crowded unsafely in a car bouncing back and forth and wondering if yet another tire will pop.

These are the conditions our Uganda staff and college students deal with anytime they travel to do ministry outside of Arua. CLICK HERE to see how you can help us re-open our ministry in Uganda in some creative ways.


Read for Need

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