An Update on Our Ministry


I hope everyone in your family is doing well. I know a lot of businesses have been impacted financially and people may be facing unemployment. If we can pray for you and your family during these times, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You all are important to us, and we would love to hear from you and be sure that we keep in touch. 

As for His Voice Global, I’d like to use this opportunity to follow-up on the initial organizational update provided by Mike Elkins on March 20th and give you a high level update on how things are going.

  • A primary concern is for the health and safety of our employees and those in our care. All of our seven missionary workers and their families who serve on the ground in Arua, Uganda are safe and healthy. 

  • At present, however, they are not all located in Arua. Jordan and Brittani Ward were on a brief family vacation to South Africa when their time there became extended by a Ugandan travel ban. God graciously provided a free place for them to stay and even the initial groceries they need. Mike & Megan Elkins were in Texas for a speaking engagement at a church when the travel ban hit. They are currently spending time with family in Missouri until they can return. 

  • That leaves Sid and Wendy Harper and Asiki Emmanuel in Arua to care for our college-aged students. If you know these leaders, you know that they are managing the situation extremely well until the reinforcements come!

  • Our students, in both Uganda and in Kenya have been sent home from school and are faring well. In many cases our leaders have found that the students have voiced a desire to serve others however possible in the face of the pandemic.

  • Plans for the construction of the Arise Discipleship and Retreat Center and our support of refugee camp residents continues when it can be done online or in compliance with pandemic health instructions 

  • Short-term trips to both Uganda and Kenya are cancelled until further notice

  • In Maai Mahiu, Kenya, the students are being cared for by our partners at Rift Valley Hope. Cautionary measures have been put into place by Rift Valley Hope leaders to ensure the health and safety of the students and their caretakers.

We remain confident in our calling to raise up leaders among vulnerable children, women, and the local church in East Africa and around the world. When the pandemic subsides, we believe the deep roots we have developed in South Sudan, Uganda, and Kenya will yield unprecedented fruit as there is more need for godly leaders as people are drawn to the true God. 

His Voice is taking every step possible to reduce expenses so that we will be prepared to accelerate our ministry when the situation allows. In the meantime, monthly operating expenses, student tuition, and increased caretaker costs in Kenya represent a pressing need. 

In light of this, we appreciate your continued support and prayerful consideration of helping now if you are able. Click below and choose “Where Needed Most” on the dropdown. May God bless you and your family richly during this time.

Vernon & Amber Burger