His Voice Global

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Alive Update

Having just returned from Kenya I am once again reminded of how gracious the Lord has been in opening doors for our Alive program. He is expanding our mission to raise up leaders among the vulnerable through our Foundation of Hope discipleship training.

We are currently conducting classes for over 300 students at 10 locations in Kenya and Uganda. Our indigenous trainers and missionaries are working together to equip pastors and church leaders to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout their churches and communities. In the second half of 2022 we hope to continue the work with eleven additional trainings with these students.

During my trip one group wrapped up the six weeks of training and we were able to give certificates of completion to eleven students who had completed all six weeks. In another village we had over 45 leaders attend week 2 of their training. It was a blessing to be able to witness their enthusiasm as they worshipped and studied together. We are also excited to hear that the area was home to three unreached people groups.

Many of you have supported our Alive program through prayer and your financial support. We are very thankful for your participation. To continue this discipleship training we will need to raise some additional support. Each training costs approximately $1500 and covers the following:

  • All training materials

  • Trainee transportation

  • Food and meal preparation

  • Accommodations

  • Training facility

Our goal is to raise $25,000 dollars for the remaining classes in 2022 and give momentum to the increased number of trainings in 2023. Would you prayerfully consider making a contribution to this important work?

Thank you for considering this request. Please pray for the pastors and leaders who are attending these classes and that their dedication will produce wonderful fruit for the Kingdom.


Darrell Parrish

Director of Discipleship Training

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