Start your own fundraiser
Create your own fundraiser to support what’s important to you, and provide hope to the vulnerable in East Africa.
How to start your own Fundraiser:
If you create a new account: Check your email and click through the link to create a password. Once you enter a password, you’ll be directed to your Fundraiser Page.
Page Content Tab
Choose your Fundraising Page Title (Or use the default)
Put your name in the URL to make it easier to share!
Make a goal.
Upload a photo so everyone knows who they're donating to.
Write your appeal. (Suggestions to help below!)
Share My Page Tab
This has the URL to share your page and ways to share!
How do I write a good appeal?
Keep it short and compelling! Here are some questions to answer to help you:
Why did you/your organization/your church decide to fundraise for His Voice Global?
What are you specifically raising money for and your goal?
Why should someone give?